List of Online Applications and Services

Online Office Suite
  1. Google Docs offers a suite of Web-based productivity applications including documents, presentation, spreadsheet and form in a simple folder within a file organizational system. It allows for users to easily create, share and edit files in real time online, or upload an existing file into the system.
  2. Zoho Docs unites Writer, Sheet and Show and supports most file types with 1 GB of free storage. Sporting a useful toolbar menu for editing, it also features tabs for easy access to multiple documents, with various collaboration options available.
  3. Office Web Apps "offers free online versions of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft OneNote. Even better they are giving users 25 GB of free online storage to store their documents on Microsoft’s SkyDrive service."
Online PDF Tools
  1. 7-PDF Web Portal converts a wide range of documents into PDFs. You can set a page range and image compression for the conversion. Just choose a file to upload, click Convert to PDF button and a PDF file is downloaded automatically for you
  2. PDFescape, a PDF editor with form filler and designer. You can add text, links and sticky notes, whiteout contents, draw shapes, add form fields or fill up forms. Maximum file size 2 MB or 50 pages per file for free accounts
  3. PDFHammer a PDF editor to visually rearrange, reorder and delete pages, merge PDFs, set PDF metadata or protect PDF files with a password. Easy to use—just upload, edit and save the files back to your computer.
  4. ILovePDF, a nice tool to merge or split pdf files easily. You can merge up to 10 PDF files in one, extract or split pages in a PDF, subject to a maximum file size of 8 MB.
  5. Nitro PDF offers free online conversion from PDF to Word/Excel via PDF-to-Word Converter and PDF-to-Excel Converter. Both are helpful and easy to use—choose the file you need, click the Convert button and check your inbox for the converted files. See also Free File Converter.
  6. Web2PDF lets you convert any webpage into a PDF document and save it to your computer with various options such as setting paper size. Simply paste the URL and click the button, or you can drag the bookmarklet to your toolbar so you don’t have to revisit the website.
  7. CodeBox's PDF to Flash Page Flip converts your pdf file into a flash file with a smooth turn-page animation effect—upload a pdf up to 10 MB and receive a zip file containing html and swf files for viewing in a browser or a flash player. 
  8. DigiSigner, a useful tool to digitally sign your PDF files and verify signatures, and you can assure that the important PDF documents are not tampered with.
Online Document Viewer and Sharing
  1. Scribd, a great tool to upload and view documents of various formats in full screen, mark them private and accessible by a specific URL, share them with millions of readers, or embed the viewer into a website or blog.
  2.  SlideShare, search and download Powerpoint presentations from the web, or upload and share your slides, word or pdf documents publicly or privately. You can also view slides in full screen, or read transcripts and outlines.
  3.  Crocodoc, a convenient tool to collaborate on PDFs, Word and Powerpoint documents. You can highlight, add or strike out text, and add a note to a document shared by an URL. Adding password protection is limited to paid-for accounts.
  4. PocoDoc shrinks the Office files for you while retaining the original file formats in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. In some cases, the service claims that a compression of up to 95% can be achieved.
Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Translator
  1. Wikipedia allows users to type a word or phrase to search for useful information from millions of articles written collaboratively online by volunteers around the world. It's a good and handy encyclopedic reference and a frequently updated news resource for you.
  2. LDOCE, an online version of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, provides a quick search for a word or phrase, with widgets available for adding to your browser search bar, blog or personal website.
  3. Wordnik, "you don't get just a definition when you look up a word. You get example sentences, related words, charts, images from Flickr, pronunciations, etymologies, tags, Twitter segments and more."
  4. Thesaurus, a popular site to search for word definitions, synonyms and antonyms with filtering by parts of speech or word classes and suggestions for nearby words.
  5. Google Translate, enter text, a webpage address, or upload a document for translation from one language into another with auto detection of the source language. The translated result from an uploaded document is presented without preserving the layout or embeded images though.
  6. Bing Translator, translate texts or entire web pages from one language into another, with auto detecting the source language and other features such as synchronized highlights and bilingual viewing layouts for a webpage translation.
Free Online Image Editor
  1. Pixlr Editor, an excellent set of tools that rival many image editors, including drawing, retouching, cropping, resizing, warping, adding text, basic and advanced lighting and color adjustments, numerous filters and layers with blending. Better still, use Pixlr Express for a quick fix or one-click effects.
  2. Sumo Paint, a powerful tool for creating and editing images with more painting tools than other paint-oriented online image editing programs, supports for layers, blending modes, special filter effects, opacity levels, handy adjustment tools, etc.
  3. FotoFlexer creates dazzling photo effects in a simple interface with optional fullscreen editing. Supported features include one-click auto fix, red eye removal, resizing and cropping, rotating and flipping, 20 over filtering effects, decorations, animations, layers and more.
  4. AnyMaking Photo Editor helps you edit an image easily in a few seconds with a set of tools for you to choose: crop or resize image, flip or rotate, add frame, filters, drop shadow, reflection and round corners.
  5. FixPicture converts all popular picture file formats and camera raw formats to jpg, png, gif, tiff, bmp or pdf formats, and resizes them by a percentage or a specific pixel value with optional rotation and effects.
  6. CutMyPic, 3 simple steps that allow you to quickly upload a picture, cut and customize it, and mail it to a friend or save it to your computer. Image customizing includes rounding corners and adding a shadow with thickness of your choice.
  7. Dermandar offers an easy way to stitch a series of your scenic photographs into one picture—just browse for pictures from your folder, then save a panoramic image back to your disk, or upload and share it in the gallery.
  8. Kwout, grab a web page and crop an area, post it anywhere or right-click the cropped image to save into your computer. You can resize, add a border or shadow to the image, work easily with a bookmarklet on any browsers with no need to install anything.
  9. Thumbalizr, capture a top screen or full scrolling webpage in seconds—just enter an URL, click thumb it, and download the image in width of your choice. Free sign up for even better quality.
  10. Google Image Chart Editor, select the type of charts, enter chart title, data and other specifications, dynamically the chart image is created for you to right click and save to your PC in png format. An image link is provided for you to share, or import for editing. 
  11. Picasion creates an animated GIF image file comprises up to 10 frames with optional size and speed adjustments. In just a few minutes, you can then post it to the website or save it to your computer
Online Image Generator

  • 3DPackage, a 3d-box graphic creator—just find some photos on your PC to use for the front and sides of the box shot, upload them and in a couple of seconds you'll have your box ready for download in JPG, GIF or PNG format.
  • FunPhotoBox generates funny pictures from your photos with useful tools, either photo effects, animations, cards, magazine covers or face in hole, choose one then upload your photo, see the result and save it.
  •, create your own funny photos and graphics in seals, badges, posters, tickets and other various signs—simply choose a design, type in some text, change colors or outlines, insert your own image, then click Go to get one.
  • Cool Text, an easy way to generate cool and impressive text logos or buttons without a lot of design work—choose a style, fill up the form with text and adjust the settings, then click the Render button.
  • Barcoding allows you to create an optical machine-readable barcode image by giving barcode data, encoding type and output file format. This is an example of Gizmo's Freeware encoded in Code 128.
  • ZXing QR Code Generator creates a Quick Response code in various sizes for your contact info, URL, SMS, geo location or other text data. For instance, the QR Code of this page's URL is this, readable by a scanner such as ZXing BarcodeScanner on a mobile device, or using ZXing Decoder Online.

Best List.

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