Windows 7 Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts primarily purpose is to enhanced our productivity plus it makes us looks cool to friends especially when we can perform uncommon shortcuts ^_^. Windows shortcuts is my part of daily life, I’m glad that Windows 7 implemented new shortcuts. Below is the list of Windows 7 shortcuts. Please hit the comments when you know any shortcuts that are not on the list.
  1. Win+Home – Clear all windows except for the active window
  2. Win+Space – All windows become transparent
  3. Win+Up arrow – Maximize the active window
  4. Win+Down arrow – Minimize the window/Restore the window if it’s maximized
  5. Win+Left/Right arrows – Dock the window to each side of the monitor (If you’ve got dual monitors, adding Shift to the mix (e.g., Win+Shift+Right arrow) will move the window to the adjacent monitor.)
  6. Win+T – Focus and scroll through items on the taskbar.
  7. Win+P – Adjust presentation settings for your display
  8. Win+(+/-) – Zoom in/out
  9. Shift+Click a taskbar item – Open a new instance of that application
  10. Win+number (1-9) – Starts the application pinned to the taskbar in that position, or switches to that program.
  11. Shift+Win+number (1-9) – Starts a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.
  12. Ctrl+Win+number (1-9) – Cycles through open windows for the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.
  13. Alt+Win+number (1-9) – Opens the Jump List for the application pinned to the taskbar.
  14. Win+B – Focuses the System Tray icons
  15. Shift+Click on a taskbar button – Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program.
  16. Ctrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar button – Open a program as an administrator.
  17. Shift+Right-click on a taskbar button – Show the window menu for the program (like XP does).
  18. Shift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar button – Show the window menu for the group.
  19. Ctrl+Click on a grouped taskbar button – Cycle through the windows of the group.
  20. Ctrl+Shift+N - Creates a new folder in Windows Explorer.
  21. Alt+Up - Goes up a folder level in Windows Explorer.
  22. Alt+P - Toggles the preview pane in Windows Explorer.
  23. Shift+Right-Click on a file - Adds Copy as Path, which copies the path of a file to the clipboard.
  24. Shift+Right-Click on a file - Adds extra hidden items to the Send To menu.
  25. Shift+Right-Click on a folder - Adds Command Prompt Here, which lets you easily open a command prompt in that folder.
  26. Win+P - Adjust presentation settings for your display.
  27. Win+(+/-) - Zoom in/out.
  28. Win+G - Cycle between the Windows Gadgets on your screen.
  29. Ctrl+Shift+N – Creates a new folder in Windows Explorer.
  30. Alt+Up – Goes up a folder level in Windows Explorer.
  31. Alt+P – Toggles the preview pane in Windows Explorer.
  32. Shift+Right-Click on a file – Adds Copy as Path, which copies the path of a file to the clipboard.
  33. Shift+Right-Click on a file – Adds extra hidden items to the Send To menu.
  34. Shift+Right-Click on a folder – Adds Command Prompt Here, which lets you easily open a command prompt in that folder.
  35. Win+P - Adjust presentation settings for your display.
  36. Win+G – Cycle between the Windows Gadgets on your screen.



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