Free E-books about Windows 7 And Windows Phone 7

Here are some of the e-books from Microsoft Press that are free to download. I’m giving direct links to the e-books. You need to right click on each link and select “Save target as” in Internet Explorer or “Save link as” if you’re using Firefox. This will download the e-book to your computer.

Free Microsoft Press E-Books about Windows 7

Deploying Windows 7, Essential Guidance
by Mitch Tulloch, Tony Northrup, Jerry Honeycutt, Ed Wilson, and the Windows 7 Team at Microsoft

Download Deploying Windows 7, Essential Guidance PDF
Windows 7 troubleshooting tips (Before you call your tech support)
Here is the starting paragraph of the e-book by Mitch Tulloch :

Your sound card has stopped working, your computer seems sluggish, the network is down, your hard drive is clicking, you can’t view a website, your monitor is hard to read, your new webcam isn’t working, your favorite program won’t run, and a funny burning smell is coming from your computer. What can you do on your own to try to troubleshoot the issue before you pick up the phone to call tech support?

If you’re running Windows 7, quite a lot. Microsoft has included a lot of self-support tools in Windows 7 that you can try using before you seek the help of others, and we’ll examine these in a moment. Then there are the tools you were born with—your five senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) and most importantly your brain. And by brain I’m including your memory, experience, and capacity for logical reasoning. Finally, there is ancient and sacred lore passed on in secret from Master to Disciple over the millennia. We’ll see shortly how your brain, your senses, and the secrets of the Wise Ones can be very helpful for troubleshooting computer problems. But first let’s look at what troubleshooting tools are built into Windows 7.

Download Windows 7 troubleshooting tips in PDF format

Download Windows 7 troubleshooting tips in XPS format

Free Microsoft Press E-Books about Windows Phone 7

Programming Windows Phone 7 Series (DRAFT Preview)
By Charles Petzold 6 Chapters

Download Programming Windows Phone 7 Series in PDF format

Download Programming Windows Phone 7 Series in XPS format

Programming Windows Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2)

Newer than the eBook above; 11 chapters by Charles Petzold

Download Programming Windows Phone 7 in PDF format

Download Programming Windows Phone 7 in XPS format

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